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Wednesday 13 February 2013

Don't you dare call me an immigrant..........

Migration is the irony of racism or white peoples imposing superiority complex to people from other ethnicities. It's inhuman and degrading to describe someone from another country other than "yours" an immigrant. It is as illegal, legally unacceptable and inaccurate. If you don't look "white" or "brown", then you are "black". Thats what a racist mind observes, thats what a prejudists sees. Being without “proper” documents is a civil offense, not a criminal one. Those Explorers and missionaries who had no "proper" documentations retained their titles, no one called them illegal this illegal that. Calling an immigrant illegal is akin to calling a defendant awaiting trial a criminal. Shame on you!
The term illegal is also imprecise. For many undocumented people, their immigration status is fluid and, depending on individual " circumstances", can be adjusted. A child born in a country by “undocumented” parent/s; as though humans beings are objects, should not be termed as illegal immigrant or illegal child, whether with documents or not. When journalists, who are supposed to seek neutrality and fairness, use the term “ILLEGAL”, they are politicizing an already political issue. But one can never tell who belongs to BNP or not among them journalists. How can using the term illegal immigrant be considered neutral whilst the term dehumanises and marginalises the people it seeks to describe?
Think of it this way: In what other contexts do we call someone illegal? If someone is white and driving a car at 14, they are called “underage driver,” not “illegal driver". However, if you are of a different colour lest assured you will be termed as an "illegal driver”. If someone is driving under the influence of alcohol, we call them a “drunk driver,” not an “illegal driver.” However, if you are of a different colour lest assured you will be termed as an "illegal driver”. Put another way:
How would you feel if you, or your family members or friends, were referred to as illegal just because they live in Africa, Asia or in America? If someone is not your biological cousin, you say a distant cousin, not my illegal cousin. Surely, there's No need for trying to talk straight. Plain thinkers sees what's in front of their noses, love sees no colour but love! Prejudists are in terms directed by their hatred than reasoning. No one is illegal, no one is is an immigrant! The world had no boundaries until evil western minds decided to divide and rule, hence the birth of hatred, racism, colour and creed!

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